Birth of Jazz Maddocks


We are thrilled that Jazz Maddocks is here!!!

My entire experience with kid number two was entirely different. I was so sick almost the entire pregnancy with Gatsby, with Jazz I wasn’t sick at all. It was such an easy pregnancy all in all.

Sunday we decided to take Gatsby to the park, get a little more one on one time with him before the baby came. I also knew we would be walking and running around a ton chasing a toddler so I was being hopeful that it would help put me into labor.

That evening I started having contractions, they were pretty mild, to begin with, but then they progressively got stronger and stronger through the night. I didn’t sleep at all, just tossed and turned through the contractions. By 5 AM my contractions were 5-7 minutes apart. I decided at that moment that I definitely was having a baby that day. I tried to delay going to the hospital for as long as possible, but my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart by 9 am, and that started to freak me out. So as soon as Jordan finished his morning run (thanks babe) we got to go to the hospital around 10:30AM… haha. I got there and the hospital was fully booked, apparently, everyone decided to go into labor because all the rooms were taken,  so they made a room for me in the hallway. They checked me and I was dilated to a 4 almost 5 and 100% effaced. After being in the hallway for an hour they upgraded me to a closet for more privacy until they found a room for me. They gave me the covid test, IV, and started my antibiotics because I tested positive for group B strep. They couldn’t give me an epidural until I went through two bags of antibiotics. By the time I got through the antibiotics, I was 4th in line for an epidural. I didn’t end up getting an epidural until around 4 pm. My dr came and broke my water shortly after. At that point, I was a 7 almost 8. They gave me a little Pitocin to just get me the rest of the way there. 10 minutes on Pitocin I felt a lot of pressure and felt like I needed to push. My dr came back in, checked me, and could already see his head! A couple of pushes later he was here! The fact that I could get up and walk a few hours after delivery blew my mind, whereas with Gatsby I had almost third-degree tares, lost a ton of blood, had really bad swelling, and every other issue you could imagine.

He was born Nov 2 @5:51PM, 7 lbs 2 oz and 20.5″ long!

We love you Jazzy boy!


See birth video HERE ON INSTAGRAM